Thought Starter: Ag Data Complexities Highlighted in Ambrook Research on Cyber Attacks

The complexities of modern agriculture and its intersection with data are many. Ag data flowing from the farm is one element of a complicated chain that can be at risk from cybersecurity attacks across the entire food chain.

A recently released study from Ambrook Research examines cyber attacks in the agriculture space and discusses lessons that have been learned - or should be. Jaclyn De Candio, author of the piece, points out agriculture’s digital revolution comes with a hidden cost — an elevated risk of cyberattacks that threaten everything from enormous agribusinesses to smallholder farms.

Todd Janzen, ADT Administrator and founding partner of Janzen Schroeder Ag Law, shares insight in the report regarding legal protections in the ag space.  This article provides valuable insight as organizations continue to refine their approach to cyber security and the use of ag data.

Link here to access the report.