

1. Identity

Who is the tech company?

Conservis, a division of Traction Ag, Inc.

What products, platform, or services within the tech company are certifying as Ag Data Transparent?

Conservis Farm Business Management Software

Who are the primary users of the product, platform, or services?


2. Categories of Ag Data Collected

What categories of data does the data platform collect?  

  • Agronomic Data.

  • Farm Management Data.

  • Land Data.

  • Machine Data.

  • Weather and Climate Data.

We collect several different types of user information used for various purposes in conjunction with providing and improving our Services. This information could include farm management data, machine data, land data, agronomic data, and weather and climate data.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

3. Ownership

Do the tech company’s agreements with the user address ownership of user data? 

Yes. Conservis believes that you own your data. As defined in our Data Privacy Policy, with the exception of aggregated databases where personally identifiable data is masked, you exclusively own rights to the data. 

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

4. Transparency in Aggregation

Does the tech company allow the user to opt out of inclusion in anonymized and aggregated datasets that are accessible by other users? 

No. Conservis has the right to access, use, reproduce and create derivative works based on any and all information you submit or grant the right to access to create and modify Our Anonymized Databases of aggregated information.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

5. Vendor Access to Data

Does the tech company require outside contractors that have access to user data to follow the tech company’s data policies? 

Yes. Conservis intends to work with business partners that have similar views on data privacy. While we expect all partners to abide by our privacy policies, we also recognize that circumstances might arise where a strict adherence to our policy may be impractical. More information about how we work with third parties can be found in our Data Privacy Policy.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

6. Consent

Does the tech company obtain a user’s consent before sharing user data with third parties? (E.g. integrations, government and others)

Yes. Our Privacy Policy requires your authorization prior to your data being shared with other companies.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

7. Consent

By signing up, does the user give the tech company the right to sell aggregated data to third parties without obtaining further consent?

Yes. Conservis owns Our Anonymized Databases which include aggregated data which may contain Your Data.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

8. Portability 

Does the tech company maintain an original copy of user data that can be retrieved or deleted upon a user’s request? 

Yes. Conservis will provide you a copy of your original or comparable data set upon request, provided your account is current. For additional details, please see our Privacy Policy. 

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

9. Data Security

Will the tech company notify the user if a breach of data security causes disclosure of the user’s data to an outside party?  

Yes. Conservis will contact affected growers if a breach of security results in disclosure to an outside party.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

10. Notice

Will the tech company notify the user when data agreements are changed and summarize how the agreements were changed? 

Yes. Conservis will notify you if changes are made to applicable agreements. For additional details, please see our Data Privacy Policy.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

11. Changes in Company Ownership

Do the tech company’s data agreements address what happens to user data if the tech company is sold to another company?

Yes. As defined by our Privacy Policy, any sale of Conservis will not impact the agreements.

Learn More: Data Privacy Policy

Todd Janzen