

1. Identity

Who is the tech company?

Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc.

What products, platform, or services within the tech company are certifying as Ag Data Transparent?


Who are the primary users of the product, platform, or services?


2. Categories of Ag Data Collected

What categories of data does the data platform collect?  

  • Agronomic Data.

  • Farm Management Data.

  • Land Data.

  • Machine Data.

  • Weather and Climate Data.

Section 1 of the FARMserver Data Use Policy describes the four types of ag data FARMserver collects: Agronomic data: seed data, planting data, yield data, disease and pest management data, and crop nutrition data. Land data: tillage, water management, soil fertility, environmental data, geospatial information, and field boundary information. Weather data: precipitation, wind, temperature and other climate data. Machine data: information related to machine performance, such as speed, fuel usage, and engine rpm.

Learn More: Data Use Policy

3. Ownership

Do the tech company’s agreements with the user address ownership of user data? 

Yes. Under Section 2 of the Data Use Policy, you remain the owner of your Raw Data after it is transferred to FARMServer.

Learn More: Data Use Policy

4. Transparency in Aggregation

Does the tech company allow the user to opt out of inclusion in anonymized and aggregated datasets that are accessible by other users? 

Yes. FARMserver does not anonymize and aggregated datasets generally. However, under Section 4 of the Data Use Policy, “By choosing to submit Weather Data to FARMserver, you relinquish control of such information to FARMserver. Because such information is aggregated with Weather Data from other users, it cannot be deleted or returned to you once submitted. By uploading Weather Data, you agree that FARMserver may share Weather Data with other FARMserver users.”

Learn More: Data Use Policy

5. Vendor Access to Data

Does the tech company require outside contractors that have access to user data to follow the tech company’s data policies? 

Yes. Under Section 6 of the Data Use Policy, “Any third party service providers that FARMserver engages must agree to abide by this Data Use Policy and FARMserver’s Privacy Policy.”

Learn More: Data Use Policy

6. Consent

Does the tech company obtain a user’s consent before sharing user data with third parties? (E.g. integrations, government and others)

Yes. Section 3 of the Data Use Policy provides: “FARMserver will not share your Raw Data unless you provide consent by selecting persons and designating the appropriate permission level in your account setting.”

Learn More: Data Use Policy

7. Consent

By signing up, does the user give the tech company the right to sell aggregated data to third parties without obtaining further consent?

No. The Data Use Policy does not give Beck’s the right to anonymize and aggregate data except for weather data.

Learn More: Data Use Policy

8. Portability 

Does the tech company maintain an original copy of user data that can be retrieved or deleted upon a user’s request? 

Yes. Section 10 of the Data Use Policy states that you may download your Raw Data at any time by logging into FARMserver.

Learn More: Data Use Policy

9. Data Security

Will the tech company notify the user if a breach of data security causes disclosure of the user’s data to an outside party?  

Yes. Section 6 of the Data Use Policy states: “In the event of a data breach, natural disaster, or other unforeseen event that causes your Raw Data to be compromised, FARMserver will notify you by email or other matter required by law.”

Learn More: Data Use Policy

10. Notice

Will the tech company notify the user when data agreements are changed and summarize how the agreements were changed? 

Yes. Section 8 of the Data Use Policy states: “FARMserver may periodically modify this Data Use Policy to reflect changes in FARMserver’s functionality, practices or policies. You will be notified by email or upon logging into your FARMserver account of any changes to this Data Use Policy.”

Learn More: Data Use Policy

11. Changes in Company Ownership

Do the tech company’s data agreements address what happens to user data if the tech company is sold to another company?

Yes. FARMserver is a product of Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc. Under Section 9 of the Data Use Policy, in the event that FARMserver were ever sold, you would be notified and provided an opportunity to delete your Raw Data (excluding weather data) prior to any sale.

Learn More: Data Use Policy

Todd Janzen